Delight Ministries
Reported by: Ashleigh Scheuneman
George Fox University (GFU) is one of many colleges across the nation that hosts a chapter of Delight Ministries, a Bible study group that connects and supports college women.
Delight Ministries at GFU provides a safe, inclusive environment where college women can relate to each other through testimony and scripture.
The treasurer of Delight, Hailey Chrisman, said: “The goal of Delight is basically to provide people with a safe community where they don’t feel judged and can share whatever’s on their heart at the moment. It’s a place to talk about things that people have gone through, or are walking through presently, and just to have other people to walk alongside them in those hardships.”
Charlotte Robison, a Delight participant, said: “People have shared experiences, and things that one person may feel they alone struggle with, find others experiencing the same struggle. It’s a space to share things people think they’re going through alone.”
Photo credit: Delight
Delight meets once a week Sunday evenings first over Zoom and then in face-to-face small groups located in Hoover. There are six to eight women in each small group with plenty of space for newcomers.
“This year, we’ve been doing a large group meeting over Zoom for the first thirty minutes,” said Chrisman. “We have worship music playing, and one leader will recap the reading and scripture for the week, and share their personal experience and why they really connected with that story. Then, we share any announcements we may have, and then we end the Zoom meeting and break off into small groups.”
It’s a good way to get connected with others and build relationships, according to Chrisman and Robison. “It can be a good reminder for the beginning of the week to talk about God and just to experience him and be in communion with other people for Jesus,” Robison said. “It’s a good way to start your week and to be with other people.”
Delight small groups work through a book that costs around $15, according to Chrisman. She said that newcomers can either get a hard copy, an ebook copy, or can borrow a book from a friend. Books can be purchased from the Delight website.
Chrisman encouraged women to attend with a friend, and said that all you really need is yourself and a Bible.
Photo credit: Delight
Delight Ministries is always open to newcomers no matter the time of year. There are no requirements to attend. If you would like to join, email or reach out to the group through Instagram. More information about Delight can be found on their webpage: