The Spacious Place Podcast with Kari Levang

Reported by Linnea Coffey

“The Spacious Place” reached #29 in the Top Charts on Apple Podcasts since we have been in quarantine. It is hosted by Seattle-native Kari Levang. While this project has been months in the making, the podcast itself only went live at the beginning of 2020. I interviewed Levang to hear how she did it, how this pandemic has affected the process, and so you could get to know her.

Levang shared that, “’The Spacious Place’ was created so that others could join me as we wrestle through some of life’s big emotions and feelings and experiences with lots of room for process. A space designed to allow questions and doubts and fears and hope… and a place to take it all into the safe arms of Jesus.”

“I wanted to start this podcast in order to have a platform to share my own story and create room for others to hear the goodness of God and the messiness of process,” Levang said. “All of this in hopes that others would understand more deeply the love of God for them, as I have, and give themselves room for grace in the process. As well as an opportunity for the truth of who we are… our identity in Christ because of the finished work of the cross to be heard and create a hunger for those who may not yet know Jesus.”

I then asked Levang about the practical side of recording and promoting her own podcast and what she had learned. “I have learned so much!” Levang said, “So much about myself, learning that I can do hard things that I feel extremely ill-equipped for. I’ve also learned that it’s ok to be a beginner. To give myself grace for the starting phase of this adventure, without allowing shame, or messages that ‘I’m not good enough,’ to take root in my heart and mind. For anyone who considers starting a podcast of their own, I would recommend getting a group around you who is available to pray with you and for you, and speak into your journey with ideas and input from their perspectives.  I would also recommend getting some good training (online) from others who have already paved the road and learned some things along the way,” she told me.

I asked her how podcasting has looked in the face of COVID-19. She answered, “the key for me in the midst of the pandemic is focusing on the invitation by God to do this thing, not the results of what happens because of it. It’s a tricky line that I’ve had to keep at the center of my gaze, rather than ‘likes’ or ‘views’ or ‘comments.’ If I go down this road, then my gaze subtly shifts from what it means to live life close to the Father, to my focus being a need for others approval. This can get messy real quick. Unfortunately, this is not a 100% success rate and that’s where practicing the way of Jesus is a real life, day by day, moment by moment to continue to bring my gaze back to Him. It’s all about staying in relationship and in the process with Him, not giving up and growing casual about our relationship.”

Get to know her by following her on Instagram @karilevang or by visiting her website, where her About Me page will tell you: 

“My name is Kari Levang and I am delighted that you are here! I’ve walked alongside the guy in the picture there for more than 30 years and we have 4 amazing, grown kids, 3 additional great kids by marriage and so far 3 wonderful grand kiddos! My life was marked by Jesus over 30 years ago and as I’ve leaned into Him over the years, He’s become my very best friend. This didn’t come naturally and hasn’t been learned easily. In fact, I’m still growing into what it means to live into my identity as daughter of the High King of Heaven. I love the sunshine, coffee, beer and snacks. I also love decorating, shopping and listening to the hearts of other women’s stories (often in the sunshine with coffee, snacks or an ice cold beer:)”

If you don’t love her already just by reading this interview, find her podcast on Apple podcasts or Spotify, and get to know her even more by listening to “The Spacious Place”