Tips for Your Mental Health

Reported by Linnea Coffey

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Quarantine is a trying time. It is always important to maintain positive mental health, but this can be challenging while stuck inside. Here are some tips to keep your mind healthy and your spirits up:

  • Get outside. While this can be difficult right now, it is the best thing you can do for your mental health. Go on a walk in your neighborhood (while maintaining social distancing) or eat a meal in your backyard—anything to get the sun on your face while still following safe health guidelines. 

  • Write down one thing that made you smile every day. Use one of those journals you got as a gift and never use to create a list of things that make you happy. At the end of every day, just write down one thing that made you smile or laugh. This will help end each day on a positive note, and give you a joyful list to look back on when quarantine gets on your nerves. 

  • FaceTime/Zoom/Skype someone once a week. Maintain contact with outsiders. It can be overwhelming to tell yourself you will talk on the phone with a loved one every day, but committing to once a week making a connection outside your home is easy and good for you. 

  • Create a schedule for yourself. Not only is this good for your body, but for your mind, too. By structuring your day, you’ll be able to get more done and be productive. This will also positively affect your attitude through maintaining a sleep schedule. You can end the night feeling accomplished that you stayed on track throughout the day.

  • Don’t read about COVID-19 for more than 20 minutes a day. While keeping yourself educated is important, it’s also necessary to take a break. Spending too much time focusing on the pandemic will induce fear and stress. Limiting yourself to 20 minutes a day will still give you the opportunity to read or watch a daily update. 

  • Cook! Making new meals is a good way to challenge yourself. Starting the day by making breakfast is a great way to wake yourself up. The easy breakfast recipe I have been loving can be found at this link.