Athletes vs. Covid

By: Ashleigh Scheuneman

Athletics look a little different this year at George Fox University (GFU) due to COVID-19 regulations.

GFU athletes are coping with the season scheduling changes taking place this spring season, and are learning how to deal with strict COVID-19 rules. 

Women’s softball player Chloe White said, “Last year when everything started shutting down in March, my senior high school softball season was canceled. That was tough. With how the last season ended, I was very excited that I got the opportunity to come to GFU.”

Fellow teammate Emily Maksinchuk agrees, and said that it is good to be able to practice every day and have a normal playing schedule. 

Likewise, Jordan Ryan, an athlete on the women’s basketball team, is also on a normal playing schedule and plays one or two games every weekend.

Like all social activities, COVID-19 has changed some aspects of softball and basketball this year. This includes mandatory COVID-19 testing. 

“We have to get tested Wednesday or Thursday the week before to be able to play,” said Ryan. “We get our temperature checked before the bus ride. We have to do a lot of screening and temperature checks.” 

Changes are not so radical for White and Machsinchuk. 

“What’s different is that we have to wear masks in the dugout, and we have to be tested for Covid every now and then,” said White. 

According to Ryan, masks are required in the GFU weightroom, on the sidelines during games, and during practice. 

Traveling to away games has also been affected by COVID-19. 

When the women’s basketball team travels for a game, the athletes are required to wear provided N95 masks. 

“Buses are the worst,” said Ryan. “If the ride is 30 minutes or under, you can wear a mask of your choice. Once you start getting into hours, though, the bus makes you wear a certain type of mask. You get used to it after a while.”

The effects on the women’s softball team are similar. 

“We are taking charter buses to every school instead of vans, and we are not staying overnight in hotels like we would usually be doing,” said Machsinchuk.

Despite all of these new regulations, athletes are able to remain positive about their teams and their sports.

“As athletes, we have to follow strict protocol surrounding Covid, but as long as we continue to play safe and protected, we can keep playing,” said White. “This season is going well! I am enjoying my team and getting to play games.”

Athletic procedures have changed this year, however, GFU athletes are still presenting a strong front to both athletic competitors and COVID-19.

Jessica Daugherty