The Ultimate Frisbee Club: Fast-Paced Fun for All

By: Honor Tamminga                                                                                                         

Photographed by: Maxine Parkin

It’s a cold night, but George Fox University (GFU) students are wandering onto the soccer field of the Austin Sports Complex dressed in shorts and T-shirts with frisbees in hand and competition in the air. 

After a few minutes of casual passing and catching, Blake Kuhl, one of the presidents of the Ultimate Frisbee Club, calls the group to order. They join hands, committing the night to God in prayer. Then, it’s game time.

When students come out to the club, some are coming for the competition, some for a homework break, but all come to have fun. Their skill levels aren’t all the same, but it doesn’t seem to make the game any less enjoyable, or the players any less important. “I feel valued at ultimate frisbee regardless of how I played that night,”Sarah Lertora, co-president of the club, said.

GFU students know a lot about community. The Ultimate Frisbee Club focuses intentionally on community and loving the people at GFU. This community is important because it allows students to play with as much or as little competition as they desire. They can develop close friendships in the process.

The community that has been built out of the club is tight-knit. Ranging from the athletes who have been playing frisbee since they met the object in their youth, to those who have never played at all, there is a sense of camaraderie on the field of the Austin Sports Complex that’s special.

Photographed by Maxine Parkin.

Photographed by Maxine Parkin.

When people show up for frisbee, staying in the background is not an option. The club leaders and participants really want to get to know each and every person there.

It doesn’t matter who comes, or how cold it is, or even how many people come. “As long as ten people show up, we’ll play!” Lertora said. The club is focused on fostering a fun community for whoever wants to play, and is intent on welcoming new players all the time. When Lertora was first invited to join in the fun,  she had no previous experience playing. Now she helps to run the club!

Every Tuesday and Thursday night at 9 p.m, GFU students leave homework behind and gather for a night of fun and fellowship. The first time they show up, they just want to play some frisbee. But they come back again and again because they want to do it together.  

Check out the Ultimate Frisbee Club Instagram: @bruin_ultimate

Jessica Daugherty