Table 14: Revolutionizing Christian Spaces

By: Benny Schorie

In early 2020, a group of George Fox University (GFU) faculty and administrators got together to listen to the concerns of queer students on their campus. Steve Sherwood, a GFU faculty-member at the time, was a part of that group of listeners, and Cara Bartlett, a George Fox senior, was part of the queer collective to whom they were listening. 

In the aftermath of the town halls, it became apparent that the school was unprepared to provide on-campus support for LGBTQIA+ students. Together, and with the help of other queer students, Sherwood and Bartlett decided to start a nonprofit organization to provide a safe space for queer students and allies called Table 14.

Founder Steve Sherwood describes Table 14 as “a group that seeks to support and serve LGBT students and allies at Fox from a Christian and affirming perspective. We want to be responsive to the needs and students and help them thrive at Fox.” Bartlett, now a student intern for the organization, said, “Table 14 is driven out of the needs of the community, and it functions for students as a club by taking their input; however, it is not an on-campus club.”

Table 14 Logo. Photo Courtesy: Table 14

Table 14 hosts bi-weekly and monthly events throughout the semester like movie nights, game nights, graduation parties in the spring, and worship nights. They offer one-on-one coffee connections for students to share their stories and connect with the leaders of Table 14. Additionally, Table 14 facilitates Life Groups for SPiL credit. These will be starting up in mid-February, providing a safe space for deepening faith and connecting with peers. They will be hosted by student leaders along with Steve Sherwood. Not all events are LGBTQ-specific; many aim to create environments for students to be themselves and share their real names and pronouns, especially if they don’t feel able to do so in other areas of campus.

A main goal of Table 14 is to “give people a space to imagine what faith and life could look like for them if their sexuality and/or gender identity is part of how God created them.” Bartlett shared her experience growing up in non-affirming spaces where “the goal was to convince LGBTQ folks to be celibate or become straight” and how this “had detrimental effects on [her] mental and spiritual health.”  Sherwood describes the University’s approach to their queer students as “compassionately non-affirming” where they will support them only if they adhere to set boundaries. “This leaves LGBT folks as feeling tolerated but still broken,” said Sherwood. 

However, it would be a misconception to believe that this goal puts Table 14 in conflict with GFU. There are disagreements between the two when it comes to the Lifestyle Agreement to which all GFU students must agree when they enroll, but these tensions are minor. According to Sherwood, the mission of Table 14 “does [go against the Lifestyle Agreement] because we are affirming. We feel committed romantic relationships are just as supported by God for LGBT folks as straight folks.” He views Table 14 as “a group with slightly different theology trying to work in concert with the school and foster positive and healthy interactions.” They still approach “concerns of students [seriously], and their experiences at Fox that have been harmful,” said Bartlett.

Despite these differences, Sherwood and Bartlett are hopeful for the future of GFU and its community. “For now, we will stay the support for queer people at Fox, but hopefully, someday there will not be a need for something like Table 14,” said Bartlett, and Sherwood hopes Table 14 will “be able to be more integrated into the school and not be forced to be kept across the street.” They aspire for the school to “shift to accepting LGBTQ people and changing their theology” as well as having more queer faculty. However, neither feel that these changes are in the near future for the University, and for now simply want “all Christians, affirming and non-affirming, to get along and work together.”

Table 14 is looking forward to another semester of connecting with students and helping them connect with each other. For more information on upcoming events, follow them on Instagram @table.fourteen, or visit the Table 14 office space at 215 N Meridian St.