George Fox Gives Campaign

Reported and photographed by Alyssa Derania

On the first of April, George Fox University launched the “George Fox Gives” campaign to support students in financial crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic.  With the closure of the George Fox campus, more than 400 students lost federal work-study jobs.  Many students lost off-campus jobs when the state of Oregon commissioned the shutdown of nonessential businesses, and others struggled with remote learning, housing, and transportation expenses.

At the end of March, as coronavirus fears increased and discussion of remote learning options were well underway, the idea for George Fox Gives was already brewing.  Individuals and faculty from all departments took initiative because they knew their students would need support during this time of uncertainty.  After the campaign was approved, it was developed and launched in only ten days.

George Fox is committed to the care and well-being of you, our students,” said Lindesy Coates, Assistant Director of Annual Giving from the University Advancement Development team. “George Fox Gives is a manifestation of that care, creating community support in a time when we need it most.”

The campaign is divided into two parts to better serve students: the George Fox Student Fund and the Student Emergency Fund. The George Fox Student Fund aims to support and compensate students who have lost federal work-study jobs.  Students experiencing financial hardships because of illness or expenses related to distance learning, housing, and travel are aided by the Student Emergency Fund.

As of April 16th, over 350 federal work-study students have been supported through the George Fox Student Fund and a combined $27,270 in aid has been distributed to 66 financially vulnerable students by the Student Emergency Fund.

At the start of the campaign, the goal was to raise $75,000 for the George Fox Student Fund and $50,000 for the Student Emergency Fund. As of April 19th, $108,937 has been donated to these funds. In only nineteen days, 87.15% of the combined goal of $125,000 had been reached by 439 compassionate donors.

This campaign will continue beyond the Spring 2020 term to support students in crisis. Financial instability is not novel to the coronavirus pandemic; crises can happen at any time. The George Fox Gives campaign aims to alleviate the effects of similar crises in the future by continuing to raise funds and support students through any crisis may arise in their lives.

If you are experiencing financial hardships relating to job loss, remote learning, housing, travel, or illness, you may access the application form from George Fox University’s Coronavirus Information page at