House on Wheels: Hodson’s Journey to a New Home

Students returning to George Fox University (GFU) after the 2024 summer break were greeted by an unusual sight near the Winter Apartments: a historic house elevated about four feet off the ground on wood planks and set on wheels. This structure, the Hodson House, previously stood at 314 N Meridian Road.  

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Crescent ASC
Oregon Education in a Post-Pandemic World

Roughly four years ago, the world as we knew it was turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. People were working from home or not at all, and schools faced the challenging task of implementing remote learning. Some districts were more successful than others, but American students as a whole found themselves educationally behind once schools opened back up again. Now that more time has passed and students are starting to recover, the impacts of educational disparities are becoming apparent. 

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Crescent ASC
Bully Breed Ban

On Dec. 31, the United Kingdom officially put into effect the new legislative ban on XL bully breeds. Due to the over 300 vicious dog attacks in 2023 that have become all too frequent throughout the UK, all countries except Northern Ireland have implemented this ban. Bully breeds, such as pitbulls, bull mastiffs, bulldogs, boxers, great danes, and rottweilers will need to be muzzled at all times outside of their home and kept harnessed and leashed.

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Crescent ASC
What’s Going on With the Trump Trial?

We all know former president Donald Trump is on trial for something, but the details tend to be a bit hazy. He is currently facing many different charges in different states for different crimes, as well as looking at both civil and criminal penalties. Yet even with these pending charges and penalties, he’s still running for president and winning in Republican polls. So what exactly is happening with the Trump trial(s)? 

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Crescent ASC
What’s Up With Student Loan Forgiveness?

Nothing strikes quite as much fear in the heart of a college student as the words “student loan debt.” In the last few decades, the amount of debt required to receive an education has reached crisis levels, with the average student borrowing $32,637 to obtain a bachelor’s degree, and 54% of college graduates leaving school with debt. When Joe Biden became president, chief among his campaign promises was a plan for student loan forgiveness. As of October, the COVID-era pause on student loan repayment has ended, and there’s quite a bit of uncertainty about what borrowers can actually expect from the Biden administration. 

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Crescent ASC