United Methodist Church Decides Against Full Inclusivity for LGBTQ Church Members

On Feb. 26, the United Methodist Church (UMC) rejected a measure that would have made the denomination fully inclusive to LGBTQ church members. The One Church Plan was proposed May of last year by an overwhelming amount of UMC bishops in hopes for LGBTQ members to have the ability to become ordained and get married in the church. UMC rejected the One Church Plan measure in favor of the Traditional Plan, changing nothing.

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Jessica DaughertyComment
When Toleration Becomes a Vice: Thoughts on Aristotle

On Feb. 20, Richard Avramento, political science professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, gave a lecture called “When Toleration Becomes a Vice: Thoughts from Aristotle,” hosted by the politics department at George Fox University (GFU). Avramento warned against an excess of toleration, arguing that some ideas and beliefs are in fact wrong and should be recognized as such.

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What Does the Bible Really Say About Evolution?

Are we allowed to interpret the Bible? Absolutely. I think we can interpret the Bible far more than we realize, because it’s actually impossible to understand without our interpreting it. So, why is it that interpreting the first few chapters of Genesis, or at least looking for a non-literal understanding of them, can come across as taboo?

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Jessica Daugherty Comments
Should Hate Speech Be Banned?

On Jan. 22, Arthur Milikh, associate director of The Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics, gave a lecture called “Will America Ban Hate Speech?” hosted by the politics department at George Fox University (GFU). During his lecture, he warned against the criminalization of hate speech, arguing that laws against hate speech will infringe upon our freedom of speech overall.

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Jessica DaughertyComment
Faculty Pressure Early Heterosexual Marriages

George Fox University (GFU) does not allow for faculty to openly support the LGBTQ

community or same-sex marriage. While they can be kind toward queer students, they are not

allowed to express that they are allies or that they agree with same-sex marriage. However,

faculty are allowed to support heterosexual marriages, ring by spring, and early marriage in


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Black Friday Through The Eyes Of An Employee

Black Friday is quite the holiday phenomenon. Highly anticipated by bargainers and shopaholics alike, this post-Thanksgiving event provides the perfect opportunity to snag typically-expensive products and purchase Christmas gifts on a budget. While Black Friday may be considered a delightful, deal-driven outing to shoppers, it’s a very different experience for store employees.

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A Guest Lecturer's Disapproval of Microagressions

Bradley Campbell, associate professor of sociology at California State University, gave a lecture on Nov. 7 entitled “Dignity, Victimhood, and the Future of the University” at George Fox University (GFU) as part of the William Penn Honors Program lecture series. During his lecture, he warned against the idea of “speech as violence” and requested that we work towards restoring a “dignity culture” in which we are all treated as equal human beings.

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Dating and Discernment

On October 29, Abigail Favale, William Penn Honors Program director and associate professor of English, spoke about Dating and Discernment as part of the Couch Lecture series at George Fox University (GFU). The Pennington lobby was packed with students eager to hear from a professor about healthy dating relationships.

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Jessica DaughertyComment
Food Options: Are There Really Enough?

Bon Appetit, the catering company at George Fox University (GFU), has always offered a variety of food options. And for good reason — with a diverse student body, all sorts of diets must be accommodated, from vegan to gluten free. Freshmen are required to have a meal plan, and for this reason there must be options for everyone. After all, we’re paying a lot of money for the meal plan.

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Jessica DaughertyComment
GFU Website Provides Resources For Discrimination

On the George Fox University (GFU) website, georgefox.edu, there is a page titled “Religious Liberty Resources.” This page concerns the current problem of same-sex couples being denied service for their wedding ceremonies. The resources linked on this section of the GFU website are for those businesses who do not want to participate in same-sex relationships and marriages. These resources advise them on how to avoid legal trouble based on their opposition to these marriages.

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Sexual Assault Prevention on Campus

On Oct. 6, Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Justice of the United States Supreme Court. In September, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused him of attempted rape while they were both high school students in the 1980s. The allegations were followed by Senate hearings and an FBI investigation, both of which seemed to have little effect on the confirmation vote.

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