Why are GFU Life Groups Important?

By: Mckenzie Gerdes                                                                                                    

When students hear about George Fox University (GFU) “life group,” they may think it is just another Bible study, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Tiana Ringer, student at GFU, describes life groups as “open spaces to connect with other students who want to grow their faith, or just don't understand where they are at and want to learn more in a community.” 

Stephanie Lopez, pastor of operations and digital design specialist at GFU, said, “Our groups are led by extraordinary leaders including professors, staff, and local pastors and community leaders.” Additionally, “It's a space for students to bring the things that are in their hearts and it is received with joy and lament and everything in between. It all belongs.”

What are some of the unique experiences from life groups? Lopez said, “My life group has been a source of joy. I have led a group in collaboration with the Latinx Heritage Club (LHC) and it has been a space in which we celebrate both our culture and our faith and how beautifully they live in harmony.”

Gracie Carlsen, student at GFU, said “Life groups for me have always been a breath in the week. Through the busy-ness and chaos of school, Life Group was an hour for me to pause and just be. We would be in prayer for one another, reflect on scripture together, and do something fun like go for ice cream.”

What do life group meetings look like? Lopez said, “Our group is centered on bridging this gap between our faith in our culture, so we have spent time discussing the various ways our identities intersect with our faith, reading Scripture in Spanish, or even just being present with each other as we enjoy some pan dulce and hot chocolate.”

Ringer said, “We always started our discussions by talking about how we were doing and would describe how we felt by selecting an animal that we felt like with the option of elaborating or not. It was a unique and fun way to become more comfortable with each other before diving into deeper topics.”

Why should GFU students join Life Groups? Ringer said that she appreciated “having a safe connection with a campus pastor.” Carlsen said, “I met some really great people I never would have gotten to meet each semester because of life groups and I’m grateful for it.”

Life groups can provide an opportunity for students who might feel disconnected from other students. They offer students the ability to learn more about their own faith journeys. Lopez said, “Whether you join with a friend, or join a random group, our hope is that you enter with a spirit of curiosity and that Jesus meets you there.”

Click the link below to get involved with Life Groups:


Photo Courtesy: George Fox University

Jessica Daugherty